
Giménez Ganga holds its annual conventions

Throughout the month of December, representatives of Giménez Ganga at a national and international level have travelled to the central facilities of Sax with the objective of evaluating the company’s performance in 2017.

Giménez Ganga holds its annual conventions

At these annual conventions, staff members from all the countries in which the company is active are informed and updated regarding the company preparations for 2018, in which we hope to continue the great success we’ve had over the past years.

At the national conventions, staff members from various branches and production centres met in order to analyse the situation in the Spanish market and to outline action plans for the future.

Internationally, those responsible for distributing our products throughout the world attended the conventions to take stock and to help us define the company’s next steps at a global level.

These meetings also allow staff members from the central facilities and those from the other branches to establish closer relationships, something that surely helps to facilitate more fluid communication, making work more enjoyable.

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