
Saxun, home of the exclusive Soltis Tour in Spain

Our facilities in Sax have hosted the Soltis Tour on its route through Spain, organised by our fabric supplier Sauleda, official distributor of the Serge Ferrari Group. Nationally, only five cities have been selected to host the event: Madrid, Malaga, Valencia, Barcelona and, of course, Sax, as Saxun's headquarters.

Saxun, home of the exclusive Soltis Tour in Spain
Saxun has been a stop and part of the Soltis Tour, a unique activity in the Sun Protection sector, organised by our supplier Sauleda, official distributor of Serge Ferrari Group in Spain, where we have brought together installers, manufacturers and specifiers at our facilities in Sax (Alicante).
 An innovative product showroom model, where our visitors had the opportunity to get to know in detail the latest innovations in Soltis fabrics, their quality, excellence and functionality in all their applications.
The big trailers of the Soltis Tour visit 13 countries in total, and in Spain only five cities were selected to host the event: Madrid, Malaga, Valencia, Barcelona and, of course, Sax, as Saxun's headquarters.
 Being chosen as the only company in our country to host this special day "has made the whole Saxun team really proud", as Pascual Giménez, our commercial director, wanted to highlight in his welcome address to the day.
The visit was attended by José Sauleda, manager of Saxun's fabric brand supplier, who underlined the good relationship between the two companies, "Saxun is an important partner for Sauleda, we share the same company philosophy, we are driven by the desire to add value to our products through innovation, offering our own solutions to meet the needs of the market".
The specialised technicians of both brands offered our customers an immersive and very educational experience to show off to them the performance of Soltis fabrics, applied to the exterior and interior of rooms.
Fabrics that stand out for their resistance and quality for improving visual and acoustic comfort, in the case of indoor rooms, and for the protection of the outdoors, with solutions capable of withstanding intense sunlight, resisting the passage of time, the effect of adverse atmospheric elements and exposure to the elements.
It was a day full of learning in which we were able to share with our customers and invited specifiers all this technical and valuable information about the high quality fabrics with which we produce our universe of solutions for the Sun Protection and Decoration of spaces.
At the same time, it was an opportunity to present and showcase Saxun's innovations, such as the new large Bioclimatic P-230 Pergola, the renewed models of Awnings  or the elegant Besta Parasol, capable of protecting large spaces when unfolded, and the application of remote and domotic control used in our Interior Decoration solutions.
True to our commitment to quality and service with regard our customers, we will continue to share experiences of this kind with all of them in order to continue growing together.
 Thank you all for your interest and visit to Saxun and stay tuned for our upcoming activities and events!

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