

On June 11, the Giménez Ganga team met again for a fun and entertaining day. It marked the revival of our annual get-together, which allows us to recharge our batteries and share some good times.



2022 has brought us back to normality, something so basic and yet so vital for day-to-day life.
A long-awaited and, more than ever, appreciated normality that has allowed us to revive our annual gathering, ConVIVE 2022.
There was a great desire to meet again in a festive, playful and relaxed atmosphere, a perfect scenario to prove that the Giménez Ganga team is a great family, a group of very worthy people who “keep the gears turning”.
After a long wait of two years, colleagues from all of Giménez Ganga's production centres met up again. In Sax, where Giménez Ganga's headquarters are located, we welcomed colleagues from Madrid, the Canary Islands, Castilla La Mancha, Extremadura, Andalusia, Catalonia, Galicia, the Basque Country and Valencia.
This mingling created new memories which will become part of the collective imagination of Giménez Ganga, immortalised thanks to the extensive audiovisual and photographic report which will allow us to relive every moment.
It’s an opportunity to get to know our co-workers better, to improve bonding and the work environment, and in some cases overcome shyness.
The day was rounded off with the performance of the monologuist Toni Rodriguez, who came from Cadiz and had us howling with laughter. The band from Castell de Castells entertained us all day long, interspersed with a huge DJ session which got everybody dancing.
The most intrepid dared to try the multi-adventure activities and the Zumba masterclass. And we all tasted the delicious traditional Spanish gachamigas prepared by almost a hundred workers. Fortune favoured the winners of the prize raffle, and we took home some hilarious snapshots from the photo booth.
To all of you, thank you for making it unique!
We’ll leave you with an audiovisual taster of our experiences on this unforgettable day.

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