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The end of the year is a time of closing dates and new beginnings. Of traditions and roots.
And in Giménez Ganga, it is already a tradition, at the close of the year, to hold meetings with our international team. However, despite being a well-established tradition, due to the health crisis, we have not been able to meet since the now distant December of 2019.
Today, we can happily say that we have resumed the custom and are once again able to hold the convention as organised by our Export Department.
The working and training days are very intense, but there is also socialising and meeting up with colleagues you used to work with on a daily basis but haven’t seen for a long while. In short, a day of sharing and enriching each other.
These workshops were held in the Showroom of our central facilities in Sax (Alicante), along with all the representatives of our company from around the world, with whom we looked at all the latest developments that will put us a step ahead in 2022.
And there were more than a few. It was time for analysis and assessments. To draw our valuable conclusions. Those that will lead us in one direction or another.
The different departments, such as Quality, Production, Technical Office and Marketing and Communication, were able to verify the number of actions carried out during the year and to put on the table all those that will be undertaken in the new year.
An endless number of exciting projects will undoubtedly require the best from each and every one of us.
We hope this will be the first of many more reunions.
De la mano de distintos departamentos, como Calidad, Producción, Oficina Técnica y Marketing y Comunicación, pudimos comprobar la cantidad de acciones que se han llevado a cabo en el ejercicio y poner sobre la mesa todas las que se emprenderán en el nuevo año.
Un sin fin de proyectos apasionantes que sin duda nos exigirán dar lo mejor de cada uno de nosotros.
Esperamos que este sea el primero de muchos otros reencuentros.
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